Training Offered

Process Training
Developing a new process is the primary purpose of our team but teaching our customers to run this new process is equally important. In order to make sure our customers can take this new process and successfully launch it at their facility, we offer process training at the completion of any development. The primary focus on this training is to get your operators and tooling engineers to NMLLC and teach them to not only run the machine, but how to troubleshoot potential problems. Our Tooling Engineers, Tool Makers and Development Technicians will work with your team to make sure they understand the designs, the tooling construction and how they run in your machine. This process is the key to your success and is highly recommended.

Tooling Training (Die Space)
With every new machine purchase, we offer Tooling Training. This training is typically provided to your tool design engineers and covers all the information needed to design tooling for your new machine. This training includes a focus on the Die Space Prints that are provided and what your tooling sizes need to be to interface with the machine. We also discuss Tool and Die Kickouts, designing for the type of transfer you have, feed lengths and diameters, etc.

National does offer two separate Tooling Seminars tailored to the skill level of your team. We offer an Intro class designed for new Tooling Engineers, Cold Forming machine operators and anyone else who wants to understand cold forming better. We also offer an Advanced Seminar tailored to Tooling Engineers who have some experience with Tool Design and or Development. These seminars are very effective and have been offered by NMLLC for over 40 years.